Jean Hildebrant

Jean Hildebrant

Available Work

Artist's Statement

My favorite subject is the human soul. I desire to capture the essence and inner beauty of the human spirit through the use of light and color.

Available Work


Born and raised in a small town in Oregon, Jean Hildebrant found herself drawn to the beauty of art at the exceptionally early age of three. With a love for art growing within, Jean spent most of her free-time drawing to develop her gift. As her personal style began to develop, she discovered that she especially enjoyed working in oil and pastel mediums. As Jean continued seeking out ways to improve her talents, she attended workshops held by local artists and enrolled as an art major in the local college. As a result of her efforts, she won scholarships to Scottsdale Artists Schoo based strictly on the merit of her work. She has studied with some of America’s foremost artists at the renowned Scottsdale Artists School including Albert Handell, Susan Lyon, Michael Malm, Richard McKinley, Robert Lemler, Johanna Harmon, Phil Beck, Suchitra Bohsle and Clayton J. Beck. Artists that have influenced her work include John Singer Sargent, Joaquin Sorolla and Anders Zorn. Jean’s favorite subject is the human soul. She paints realism with the purpose of leaving an indelible impression. Her love for people draws her to painting portraits and figurative works, which is her passion. She desires to capture the essence and inner beauty of the human spirit through the use of light and color. She wants her paintings to speak to the emotions and spirit of each person who views them. Jean is an award-winning Arizonan with an established national reputation. Her oils and pastel works have been featured in many respected publications. Her paintings consistently garner recognition in local, national and international art shows.Her work is found in private, public and corporate collections.She now resides in Scottsdale, AZ with her husband, Michael.


Portrait Artists of America

Arizona Pastel Artists Association

International Association of Pastel Societies

Charter Member of Pastel Society of Oregon


North Light Books

National Geographic Children’s Books

Pastel Journal Magazine

Exhibits and Shows



Exhibitions and Awards:

The Pastel Journal Magazine’s "Pastel 100" competition placing first, fourth and honorable mention in the portrait/figure category

The Pastel Society of America’s National Annual Exhibition, New York, NY receiving the B. & V. Giffuni Purchase Award

The Pastel Society of America’s Master Pastelist and Award Winner Exhibition, Kentucky

First place in the Richeson75 Competition;

BoldBrush Painting Competition’s Finalist and two times Outstanding Pastel Award

The Portrait Artists of Arizona Exhibition, four times Best of Show.

Arizona Pastel Artists Association Exhibitions winning several Best of Shows

Best of Show and Purchase Award in the Oregon Arizona Pastel Artists Association Exhibition.